Taalula's Transformation

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Fuckin' a-hole piece of shit

It ain't my fault yer momma named you that! What the fuck is wrong with you? Must you be a baby your ENTIRE life? Am I suppossed to feel bad because you've got a mental condition??? Am I also suppossed to feel bad because you've got a quite a few disabilities you don't even know about? Does being so fucking miserable ever tire you out or does it just do that to the rest of us?? You really are a dick - you really really are! Do you even know that? Forget about you, what the fuck was I thinking? Really, I mean what the fuck? How did I ever last 13 years? As miserable as you still make me because I still have to deal with you, I am 1000 x's happier now than i've ever been. So thank you, you fuckin' a-hole piece of shit! Thanks for giving me two of the most amazing human beings in the world. Thanks for making me realize what a gift life can be without your presence. Thanks for forcing me to muster up all the strength and courage locked deep inside of me to crawl my way out of your muck. And oh yeah, thanks for nothing you two-bit fuckin' a-hole piece of shit!!!!!


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